Nayoungim co-founder of experimental KimKim Gallery Seoul will introduce the Super Modern Project. “A Super Modern Project”, raises paradoxical questions about the perception of “modernity” that has become common opinion. Through works that critically dismantle the abstractions of generalised perceptions and concepts, a reality of the specificity and individuality of this phenomena concealed in universality is revealed. It focuses on the creativity the artist’s “sub”- culture catalyses and creates through the works presented in a “super modern” attitude.
The project seeks to produce diversity and openness in an individual atmosphere. Keyes Art Mile and TMRW Gallery are delighted to host the Super Modern Project with presentations by The Rice Brewing Sisters Club and Geologic Bakery.
Follow this extraordinary concept on social media here: @geologic_bakery @ricebrewingsistersclub @kim_kim_gallery